Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Fishy business

I have been bit by the aqarium bug. It sure is nice to have so many beautiful fishes swimming around in their tank. Its a challenge setting up an aquarium, its more a science then anything else. Try reading a basic howto on setting up a beginners tank and see how your mind boggles. But the rewards are worth it.
I now have some of the nicest fishes swimming around in my tank: 6 silver sharks, 4 australian rainbows, 4 black mollies, 5 sword tails, 2 kuhli loaches, 2 guppies and 1 Siamese algae eater.
The aquarium is still work in progress, i will report progress on it here occassionally.

I am back

I returned from the US 2 months back. Of course that classifies this as the dumbest post yet.